The world cup is here and even though Nigeria did not qualify for a place in the tournament, it will not deter many die-hard Nigerian football fans from watching the many countries represented in Qatar, the host country this time round. Football is a male-dominated sport, though women’s football is also gaining momentum, with more women taking interest in professional football.
However, some women still see football as one sport that contests with them for their husband’s attention. The situation sometimes becomes unpleasant that some men leave the comfort of their homes, perhaps to get away from a nagging wife, to watch football with their mates. It’s sometimes a form of therapy to regulate themselves and avoid escalating the situation at home. The truth is that a wife must be sensible, sensitive and supportive of her husband’s love for football. She should however try to find a recreation for herself.
You should be sensible
Some women complain about being neglected by their football addict husbands. This may be due to their insecurity and not because of their spouse’s obsession with football. If you knew your husband as a lover of the game when you met him and you did not complain during your courtship, why does it matter now and what has changed? It is only sensible that you embrace the things that make him the unique person that you fell in love with and that includes watching football. It is selfish to expect him to forego those things because you do not appreciate them. It is only when you change your perspective that you can start to let go of things that do not matter and take control of more important things.
You must be sensitive
Football is a classic sport that takes most men back to their childhood when they played football on the streets. Those were the days when the streets were safe for children to roam around. The excitement that comes with the game and expectations can be very overwhelming for football lovers. The game is unpredictable; it can change the mood of spectators from happiness to sadness in the twinkling of an eye, like when a goal is scored or missed. As a wife, you should have an awareness of how your husband feels when his favourite football club wins or loses a match as his behaviour can be positive or negative. A sensitive wife should be willing to understand her husband’s feelings after losing a match, rather than deny him the freedom to grieve over his preferred team’s loss. This is important if it’s something he feels passionate about.
You should be supportive
Football is a great game that brings the nation, community, friends and families together and many fans will be watching from the comfort of their homes, offices and other gatherings where football fans come together to enjoy the thrills and excitement of the World Cup. If your husband is only addicted to football, it can be managed. However, your support will create a more pragmatic structure within your home so that your family can watch and enjoy the game together without anyone feeling left out.
Culled From Punch